Archives for August 2015

The Faith to Wonder

At what point does depression turn to a desperation strong enough to consider suicide? I’ve considered it a number of times over the last 25 years. But the times that I got closest were times that a little voice whispered to me – over and over again: “It never gets better.” It would be pretty […]

Playing “Mousie”

My Granddaddy was a character. And one of my earliest memories was him “playing” his favorite game with us. It was a game that he had created just for his six beloved grandchildren—a game called “Mousie.” The winner of this game was the grandchild who could be still and quiet (like a mouse) the longest. […]

Getting Out of my Own Way

I’m short. For the most part, I don’t mind being short. But when I was growing up in a neighborhood full of bigger, older, meaner boys, being short was a real challenge. Especially when one of the boys’ favorite games involved out me at arm’s length and torturing me. I would swing my arms wildly, […]

Embracing the “Inconvenient”

“PEST!” “You’re such a nuisance!” “You are getting on my last nerve!” Those are things I heard a lot when I was younger. And the repetition of them left a remarkable impression on me: If you want to be loved, don’t be an inconvenience. And that particular goal (not to make others feel inconvenienced) became […]