Road Trip!

Surprise! You won’t find me here at Living Between the Lines today! Instead, I’ve taken a little roadtrip to my friend, Katdish’s blog.

A couple of weeks ago, I got a very unexpected invitation to write a guest post for Kat’s blog. I’ve been a regular reader of hers for a few months now—since my writer-friend Billy Coffey invited me over there to read a guest post of his that was posted there. I fell in love with Katdish and her followers right away. I check in each morning and they inject my day with a bit of joy. They are real, they are hilarious, and they love Jesus. Can you ask for friends any better than that?

So, come on. Grab your sweater, your keys, and your cell phone. And join me at “Hey Look, A Chicken!” to read about my journey from The Bottom to the Banquet.

About Sarah Salter


  1. Awesome. I love it when my friends get together like this. 🙂

    I actually just came over from Katdish’s blog now, and the post over there is really quite something. Thank you so much for that.


  2. Sarah, thank you so much for introducing me to Katdish’s blog. I love it! And I loved your guest post!!!

  3. Sarah Salter says:

    Sharon, I promise you– Katdish’s blog will give you a boost! She’s priceless! And thank you for the compliment on my guest post. 🙂

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