Heart Made Whole: A Heart of Flesh
December 20, 2016 1 Comment Tweet
This week’s chapter of Christa Black Gifford’s book, Heart Made Whole is our last chapter. And for me, it was a most meaningful and transformative one. You’ll probably notice that this post is more of Christa’s words than mine, but I think that’s important for this chapter and this post.
I feel deeply. I’ve always felt deeply. And as a little girl who was hurt, I learned to run from, avoid, and escape all of the feelings that threatened to overwhelm me. I didn’t know it at the time, but there’s a better way.
“You have permission to feel every emotion right now. Don’t suppress anything. Don’t deny the truth inside your heart. Just feel, and then bring those feelings to [God],” (Gifford, 184).
We’re in the midst of the season of Advent right now. We’re preparing to celebrate the coming of Jesus. And as I meditate on that, I more fully realize that Jesus came to earth and experienced life, pain, death. There’s nothing I feel that Jesus is unfamiliar with. In fact, He doesn’t run from feelings. He fully feels them and understands them. There’s something profoundly transformative about the realization that God feels more deeply than we do. Feeling deeply is but one of the ways that we carry the image of God.
Gifford says, “Feeling our pain doesn’t prove that we lack faith — it proves our need for constant connection with God.” So, we don’t need to be ashamed or overwhelmed by the pain. We need to let it cause us to reach out to the one who understands it and can help us to bear it.
“Jesus’ intention for us as believers is never to suppress the truth of our emotions and put on fake religious smiles, attempting to deal with very natural feelings on our own. When life hurts, we hurt just as He did — and that’s simply okay,” (Gifford, 187).
Ezekial 11:19 says, “I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.”
Having a heart of stone seems so much easier than having a heart of flesh because a heart of stone doesn’t feel, and therefore, it’s not easily hurt. But having a heart of flesh is a gift. Only hearts of flesh can experience full, abundant life and help others to as well. When we “stone” up our hearts, we merely exist. God wants more for us than that. He wants us to have a whole heart — a heart of flesh — a heart that can experience the fullness of every moment of the lives God has blessed us with.
This post is the final post of our book discussion on Christa Black Gifford’s book, Heart Made Whole. Please feel free to weigh in on the post even if you haven’t read the book. Make sure to visit my co-facilitator, Jason. And if you’ve written a response to this week’s chapter, please leave it below!

Heart Made Whole: More Than a Story
December 13, 2016 1 Comment Tweet
We've talked about my love for stories -- specifically biographies and memoirs. About how one of the things that helps me to survive the hard parts of life is knowing that other people have survived the hard parts of theirs. It gives me hope. But there's also more than a story... I'm currently … [Read More...]

Heart Made Whole: Going Around in Circles
December 6, 2016 3 Comments Tweet
"Get over it." That's one of the most painful phrases someone who has been through abuse or trauma can hear. "Move on." Or "Why can't you just forget about it?" also qualify. Why? Because it's bad enough to have to go through hurt without being told that your hurt was … [Read More...]

Divine Appointments at Safeway
December 3, 2016 3 Comments Tweet
I woke up with a plan today, and that plan was to go to the grocery store to get the stuff to make lasagna (which I was craving). In my experience, the best place to get gluten-free lasagna noodles in my part of town is Thriftway. A little spendier than I prefer. But I had lasagna on my mind and … [Read More...]

Heart Made Whole: Making Molehills Out of Mountains
November 29, 2016 3 Comments Tweet
A couple of years ago, I attended a funeral with a girlfriend. I didn't know the lady who had passed away, but my girlfriend didn't want to attend the funeral alone, and so I found myself at the funeral of a total stranger. For hours, I sat and listened to stories of this woman who sounded so … [Read More...]

Heart Made Whole: What to Do When You’re Broken
November 15, 2016 7 Comments Tweet
From the beginning, I've made it a policy to be real here. So for the sake of full disclosure, for the last several days, I've been struggling under symptoms related to PTSD. Specifically, I've been in fight-or-flight, which has made me by turns panicked and exhausted. In layman's terms, I've been a … [Read More...]

Heart Made Whole: Taking Steps
November 1, 2016 3 Comments Tweet
Those of you who have hung around this neighborhood for a few years know that a few years ago, I went through a dark time. Actually, I kinda sorta had a breakdown. We've talked about this here. But in case you need a refresher, I ran into someone who had abused me many years ago. That … [Read More...]

Heart Made Whole: What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted
October 18, 2016 8 Comments Tweet
Several years ago, I had a conversation with a friend about what we each prefer to read. I love a lot of different types of books, but I do have a special place in my heart for biographies and memoirs. I told my friend, and gave some examples of the stories that have most touched me -- like Gracia … [Read More...]

A Book Discussion With Heart!
October 11, 2016 1 Comment Tweet
I'd like to announce our next book discussion, but I have to start with a flashback. Sorta. Jason and I have been doing these book discussions for more than six years now. It all started with Mad Cow Disease. Okay, actually, it was Mad Church Disease. But that was where we started, and we've kind … [Read More...]

In Training
September 20, 2016 5 Comments Tweet
This week, we're finishing up our discussion on Jerry Bridges' book, "The Discipline of Grace," by talking about being in training. Well, in all fairness, my co-facilitator and the others may opt to talk about something else from the chapter, but this is the part that jumped off the page at me, so … [Read More...]
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