Another Giveaway – The FOURTH Book!

It feels a little weird to say this, but it’s actually been over a year now since my partner-in-crime (aka my co-facilitator, Jason Stasyszen) and I started having our Wednesday book discussion. It feels even weirder to say that we’re ready to start our fourth book! Although we do make some little changes to the method each go ‘round, one thing that’s staying the same is that we’re kicking things off with a giveaway.


So, now it’s time to tell you about the newest book.

When I was in high school, somebody talked me into reading CS Lewis’ Screwtape Letters. I dove into it with enthusiasm, expecting it to be the most awesome, revolutionary piece of literature I’d ever held in my hands. It wasn’t. It wasn’t a bad book. I just didn’t get what was so amazing about it.

In college, I was required to read The Great Divorce—another acclaimed CS Lewis classic. This book not only underwhelmed me. It flat out confused me! To this day, I can’t tell you what it was about or anything that was discussed in it.

At the first of this year, I was perusing the local Lifeway in my parents’ town and was immediately drawn to a particular book. It was a daily devotional of excerpts from CS Lewis’ classics. I flipped through it and was really captivated by some of the excerpts I read. So, I got brave and purchased it. After a few weeks, I noticed something. I was really getting something out of the excerpts from one particular book of Lewis’… and that’s the one we’re giving away and discussing…


Jason and I would LOVE to have you to join us. There are a few ways you can do this.

FIRST- I can’t say this enough. As much as we want you to read along with us, we want you to come participate regardless of whether you’ve done the reading or not.

SECOND- You can purchase a copy of Mere Christianity by CS Lewis by clicking the link.

THIRD- Jason and I are each giving away one copy of the book. That gives you two chances to win! Next week, we will each announce a winner. Then, the following week, we will begin discussion.

So, I’m sure you want to know how to win.

  1. Each time you comment on this post, you’ll earn one entry.
  2. Each time you tweet or retweet about the giveaway, you’ll earn one entry. (Just make sure you mention me — @sarahmsalter – when you tweet or retweet so that I can track your entries!)
  3. Each time you mention the giveaway on your website, blog, or Facebook, you’ll earn three entries. (You’re going to want to leave me a comment – with a link – to let me know what you’ve done and get credit for your entries.)

The winner will be chosen next Tuesday night by random number generator. It’s just that simple!

When you leave here today, be sure to go by Jason’s site to enter there. I’ll see you back here next Wednesday to announce the winner! Then, two weeks from today, we will dive into our first chapter!

Okay friends, comment and tweet away! (And go by Jason’s place to do the same…)

About Sarah Salter


  1. I’m looking forward to it!

  2. Sarah Salter says:

    Helen, thanks! We’re looking forward to it, too! 🙂

  3. I’m doing this this time around! 😉

  4. Sarah Salter says:

    Yay DS! I’ll enter you into the giveaway! 🙂

  5. Nancy P says:

    Hmmm I think I need to read this book. (whether I win or not) 🙂

  6. Sarah Salter says:

    Nancy, I hope you do read it! And you’ve been entered into the giveaway, so maybe you’ll win it! 🙂

  7. I’m a sucker for punishment…I’ll be joining in again.

  8. Thought I’d come check out your side of things… Carry on… 🙂

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