This week is going to seem like a cop-out and is probably the shortest blog post I’ve ever written, but very seriously, after putting hours into this week’s reading and post, this is what is on my heart.
“…Paul wrote in Philippians, ‘He emptied himself.’ He cried from His heart, nails in His hands, and poured out His blood that we might believe His love for us.” (Manning, 124)
Christ poured out His blood that we might believe His love for us. What are we willing to do so that the people around us might believe? What might we have done that’s made it hard for them to believe?
This post is part of a weekly discussion that my friend, Jason Stasyszen and I are co-facilitating on Brennan Manning’s “The Furious Longing of God.” If you’ve written a post about this week’s chapter, please go visit Jason’s site and link it up at the widget!
That’s the example and we can’t shy away from it, make excuses, and justify ourselves. I’ve fallen short so many times and other times I’ve been carried in that love to do things I couldn’t have imagined on my own. I want to lean in that much more deeply and rely on infinite grace. Thanks Sarah.
I never realized you were such a slow reader!!! ;-P
Seriously though, great questions. Some times short is what is needed.