Living Between the Lines

For weeks, I’ve been mulling what my first blog should be about.  Realistically, it’s not going to have a huge audience.  To this point, I haven’t much publicized it.  But even if I only have three faithful readers (Hi Mom, David, and Joell!), I still want it to be worthwhile for them.  What I decided was that for my first blog, I needed to lay down a little foundation and some ground rules.

First, my foundation.  I really would never have started this blog without a loving nudge from Michelle Sutton (my editor-in-chief at Christian Fiction Online Magazine) and a gentle-yet-firm shove from the Holy Spirit.  But the first thing I had to ask myself was, what is the purpose of this blog?  If you look online, there are literally millions of blogs.  Why is it necessary for me to take up a corner of cyberspace (and five minutes of a reader’s time) with another one?  The theme of my blog–Living Between the Lines– is a play on words.  I am living a life that God created exclusively for me.  This blog is an outlet where I can share that exclusive word-picture of God.  As many great blogs as there are out there, none of them can show you my life and God’s life through me, through my eyes.

In the interest of being faithful to God and my purpose, I have one rule: to be real.  Some days, my real life is funny.  Some days, it really isn’t.  But above all, I will be real.

So, now, who am I?  I’m the writer.  The secretary.  The English major.  The singer.  The friend.  The country girl.  The Duke fan.  Today at 5:30, I was the drenched blonde lady walking through the Walmart parking lot in the rain carrying a 40-lb. bag of dog food.  (Ha!)  I live a life of constant adventure– working in full time ministry, part time mission work, and part time writing.  And although, I have wings, I also have roots– a wonderful (yet quirky) family, a fabulously loving church, and a little house in the country where my dog happily greets me when I finally make it home.

Welcome to my world– where I’m Living Between the Lines.

About Sarah Salter


  1. Love the description, welcome to the addiction that is blogging. :p Us Duke fans have to stick together. 😉

  2. I am soooo glad you made a blog! That is awesome! I have always enjoyed your writing! I remember reading your diary/dailies in highschool (you let me 😉 )and I just loved it so much!

  3. You are a DUKE fan??? This changes EVERYTHING!! Keep the “realness” coming…Love you!

  4. Thanks for letting me know of your new blog. Rock on in Him!!

  5. Tee hee. I am glad you followed through.

  6. Hey Sarah, just your friendly webmaster/technology guru here… Looks good, keep it rolling, when you get a million hits a day I’ll get you a new server 😉

  7. I enjoyed meeting you here on your blog. Come to see me.

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