For over two years now, I’ve had the great pleasure of co-facilitating an online book discussion with my dear friend, Jason Stasyszen. If you don’t know him and if you’re not familiar with his blog at Connecting to Impact, you should definitely drop by. He’s my absolute favorite Okie-Laskan writer-pastor-musician!
Each time we have a book discussion, we have a new group of folks participating. And we’ve actually learned that some of the most interesting comments and thoughts come from the folks that aren’t reading along with us. (HA!)
Usually, we hop right from one book and into another, but this time was a little different. This time, we took a bit of a break between books so that I could move cross-country. But now, we’re ready to jump into another book.
Are you ready?
The next book we would like to read and discuss is the well-known Christian classic, The Pursuit of God, by A.W. Tozer. I’ve never read it, but have always wanted to, and before my move, I had downloaded it for free on Kindle. (It is still free, if you have Kindle or Kindle-for-laptop.) Since Jason has read it, let me share with you what he had to say about it:
“It’s both a deep and passionate book that I believe is as relevant and important today as the time it was written. I believe it’s going to take some digesting, but that’s a good thing. Who wants to be coddled and stay comfortable, right?”
One of the things that Jason and I like to do to encourage folks to join us and to thank them (y’all!) for sharing our lives is to give away a copy of the book on each of our blogs. If you have Kindle, you can already download it for free. But we have another suggestion. This time, we’re each going to give away either a $10 gift card to iTunes or Amazon. You get to choose. And because we’re both giving one away, you’ve got double the chance of winning!
Here’s how to win (on my site, Jason’s rules are slightly different):
- Each time you comment on this post, you earn one entry.
- Each time you tweet or retweet about this giveaway, you earn one entry. (Just make sure you mention me — @sarahmsalter – when you tweet or retweet so that I can track your entries!)
- Each time you mention the giveaway on your website, blog, or Facebook, you’ll earn three entries. (You’re going to want to leave me a comment here, with a link, to let me know what you’ve done so that you can get credit for your entries.)
Next Tuesday night, I will choose a winner using a random number generator. And on Wednesday, I will announce the winner!
Two weeks from today, we will begin with chapter one!
*** Important Note ***
This isn’t really a long book—only 10 chapters—but we want to be sure to really absorb what it has to say. Because of this, we have decided to spend two weeks per chapter. Each Wednesday, a link widget will be either here or at Jason’s place, in case you want to contribute a post. However, whether you read the book or not, we welcome you to come by and read the posts and leave your thoughts. We appreciate you!
And that’s all there is to it! What are you waiting for? Go enter! And enter at Jason’s, too!
See you next week!
I’m in! Just bought my copy.
I also announced the giveaway and linked to this post here:
Shared it on Facebook here:
And tweeted it, becuz I’m like that. 🙂
I look forward to the discussions!
Hi Sarah,
I’m looking forward to participating in the book discussion. I’ve known Jason for a few months through blogging and I’ve already entered the giveaway on Jason’s site.
Can’t wait for what God will do through this, Sarah! Looking forward to the discussions and the variety I know we’ll see. Thanks for letting me be a part. And just for the record, how many “Okie-Laskan writer-pastor-musicians” do you know exactly that I could be the favorite? 🙂
Dusty, you’re so fabulous! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Also, it was so weird having to approve your comment! It’s been a while since I had to do that! But I’m excited about the new “bloggy stuff” you have cookin’!
Hi Thomas! Nice to meet you! Any friend of Jason’s is a friend of mine! Thanks for coming by! 🙂
Jason, do I have to answer that question? Okay, you’re the only one I know. But you’re still my favorite! And you thank me for “letting” you be a part, but Buddy, thank you for keeping the enthusiasm and ideas flowing! You SO rock!
Hi Sarah,
I have been a lurker on the book discussion for the most part, but have decided to participate this time. I have shared on my Facebook page at I also tweeted about this post and book discussion and followed you.
Have a great day
Hi Mike! Welcome out of the shadows! It’s great to “hear your voice!” Thanks for the comments, tweets, and posts! Please feel free to come chat with us anytime! (PS – Your entries into the giveaway have been counted!)
I am excited about being part of the discussion for this book! 🙂
Kevin, we’re ECSTATIC for you to join us! Thanks for coming by and we’ll see you soon! 🙂