The Promise of Light

For several days, I’ve been thinking, praying, and yes, even worrying a little on what I should share with you in my last post of the year. And this, is what I think God would have me to share…

I was scared of the dark for the first fourteen years of my life. I mean, terrified. And so, for me, I’ve always been comforted by light. So much so that the first scripture I took it upon myself to memorize was 1 John 1:7 – “If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another.”

Once I got over my fear of physical darkness, I began to struggle with spiritual/emotional darkness. My struggle with depression and thoughts of suicide are something I have discussed pretty openly because I’ve come to recognize that exposing them to the light is one of the greatest remedies for them.

And now, I feel that God has given me a promise for the coming year… The Promise of Light.

One of the scriptures that God has made sure I heard over and over again this Christmas season was Isaiah 9:2 and as I leave you for several days, I’d like to share it with you as a promise from God.

 2 The people walking in darkness
       have seen a great light;
       on those living in the land of the shadow of death [a]
       a light has dawned.

We used to walk in darkness, but when Jesus comes into our lives–when we invite Him in–he pours His light into our lives. We don’t have to walk in darkness and shadows and death anymore. His light has dawned!

My pastor has issued a challenge to our church family this year and I’m going to add my two cents and then extend it to you, as well…

So many of us have been walking with our lights under a bushel. Struggling to understand what God is doing in our lives or to understand how we should live our lives. We have more questions than answers. And after a while, we begin to despair.

Don’t despair anymore!

God has sent us The Light of Christ and that Light is found in His Word. My pastor has challenged us to read the entire Bible this year. I challenge you to join us. God is speaking to us every moment. And if we look in His Word, we will hear His voice and it truly will be the Light to our paths!

I love you all! Happy New Year!

About Sarah Salter


  1. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.” Eph 5:8-10

    Wonderful post to wrap up the year with, Sarah. I receive your challenge and join you in reading through the Bible this year. Praying the Holy Spirit will illuminate new truths to both of us as we use our new Bibles!

    Happy New Year in advance!

  2. No bushel baskets to hide it under for the New Year … hope it is an especially good one for you.

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