Well, I Never Would’ve Thought…

When I was in my early twenties, I rented a room for a short time from a lady named Susie. She was a pretty nice lady, but she had like ten cats. I didn’t really have a problem with her having a bunch of cats. The thing that bothered me was that she loved those cats more than she loved people. They were her “babies” and she treated them like human babies. To me, it was sort of odd and obsessive.  Ever since then, I have had a measure of disdain for people that humanize their animals.

Fast forward a half dozen years or so to when I was househunting with my realtor. We had looked at lots of houses and I just knew as soon as we walked into each one that we hadn’t found “the one.” Then, we drove out into the middle of nowhere to a new subdivision in Southern Johnston County. When we pulled into the driveway, my realtor made a thoughtless comment that this house had a perfect yard for a couple of dogs. I laughed at the thought, but I did buy the house with it’s 1.1 acre lot. Then, three months after I moved into the house, I found myself taking in a bouncing baby puppy. A pitbull/boxer mix named Sadie.

Okay, I am NOT obsessive about my dog and I don’t humanize her. Much. She sleeps on a doggie cushion on the floor. She eats kibble. She hangs out in the yard, eating grass and bugs all day. She does NOT wear clothes or shoes or hairbows. But I DO refer to myself as “Mommy” and my brother is the doting “Uncle Bubba” and my parents are “Granny and Grandpa.” And sadly, she recognizes us by those names. (Don’t judge me.)

I NEVER would’ve thought that I’d write a blog post about my dog. But then, my friend Kathy “Katdish” Richards started tweeting and posting pictures of her dog, Buddy Love. And I noticed that our friend Annie K posts pictures of her awesome dog, Boz. And it set me free. I decided that it’s time for the world to meet my best pal, Sadie.

Below: Sadie the day I brought her home. Yes, that’s off-white carpet that she’s sitting on. *sigh*










Sadie LOVES to be near me. When I wash dishes, she camps on the floor under my feet. When I write, she crawls into my lap and tries to nose into the middle of what I’m writing…









And of course, we have some pictures from our Thanksgiving road trip…









World, this is Sadie. Sadie, this is the world… (Sorry, she’s worn out and needs a nap now. And frankly, so do I.)


About Sarah Salter


  1. O.K. Sadie is adorable. And I’m not even a dog person. We have a doberman, and he’s a big lug who is as sweet as can be, but I never thought I would read a blog about a dog and enjoy it so much. So there’s my “I never thought I would.”

  2. Just tell me she didn’t do the driving…

    So cute.

  3. Haha, welcome to the wonderful world of animal parenting

  4. Sadie is frickin adorable 🙂 and there is nothing wrong with you posting about her! I love to see pics of her!

  5. A dog’s love is much like God’s love. Doesn’t matter if we’re skinny, fat, lots of hair, bald, dishes in the sink or not. They’ll take us just as we are. Love spending time with us. Always willing to spend more. So sad when we don’t come back [home] sooner. In other words, God, just like dogs will take us just as we are…unconditionally. Dog spelled backwards is what??? I don’t know. I think they got the reputation for being man’s best friend for a good reason. So…good for you. Embrace the sweet love those little guys (some not so little) give you. But rember first to embrace the One who created those special ones for our lives. Thank you Jesus!!

  6. Elizabeth says:

    Sadie is a wonderful dog. Every time we come to visit you I enjoy her around me. At times, my dog, Faith, is jealous of Sadie whenever I return Faith avoids me. This is an enjoyable piece of writing about your Sadie. Thank you for sharing your writing talent, your piece and especially Sadie. Dios benidiga hermana Sara

  7. nowyoujustwadeaminute…..

    What about my LuckyPuppy? He may be at the Rainbow Bridge, but he’s not chopped liver! I’ll only bother you with a couple of posts; there are many. He was almost my “grief” post. To your credit, I don’t think I knew you during the Lucky days 🙂


    Your Sadie is beautiful. I really miss a big dog in my lap. Loyal, true friends, those doggies. She’s obviously well-loved. I’ll bet she wouldn’t mind a Snuggie, though. Just sayin’.

  8. I love it! Dory and Gabby would like to meet her someday… hehe

    I always wondered what your ‘baby’ looked like… thanks for sharing! 🙂

  9. I have a pathological fear of dogs.

    Just sayin…

  10. Aw, so cute. Buddy is on my lap roughly 99% of the time I’m on the computer. He actually wrote a post for me entitles Diary of a mad black weiner dog. They truly are part of the family. Thanks for introducing us to her. Ten cats? Ugh!

  11. And here I was thinking you’d be doing an expose on your colored underwear… *snort*

    ‘Bout time you wrote about your dog. Sadie was probably feeling pretty unloved. Gidget’s had a couple of blog posts on my blog and even has her own twitter account. Not that I’m callin’ you a slacker, but if the shoe fits…

  12. I’m a dog guy through and through, and that’s a nice dog. Hate cats, though. Cats are evil. Don’t tell me they aren’t.

    And I won’t judge you, Sarah. Much.

  13. What a cutie pie!!! Ms. Sadie is adorable. I’ve written a few times about my dog, too. My hubby bought her a dress for a special photo shoot he did, hoping she’d make it into the company calendar. She hated wearing the dress, but darn she looked cute. Normally, I’m not one to do something like that, but my hubby was too excited to be persuaded otherwise. 🙂

  14. Sadie is cute.
    I have allergies so I don’t have pets. Or a real Christmas tree…

    I think it is good to love a pet, so long as you love people more.

  15. Yes Sadie is lovely.. but….. she is just a dog woman… You know I love you sister Sarah…And Sadie things she is a lap dog… for sure.

    Love ya,

  16. Well Boz knows grandpa and grandma and he loves their house almost as much as mine. I know, huh? And I was never a big dog person until Boz came along. I always had cats. But my cats were awesome. And I never had 10. ACK!

    Sadie looks like a might fine dog Sarah!

  17. Sadie is a cutie patootie. I refer to myself as mommy to my 2 dogs and 2 cats, so I won’t judge you at all 😉

    Does Sadie want a cute male Boxer to correspond with? Purely platonic of course. I have a white Boxer named Howie. He’d totally like a new friend since our other dog Roscoe ignores him 😉

  18. Ah so cute! My dog is a boxer and she’s just six months old. Sorta sad we’ve been moving a lot of the time we’ve had her, but things will settle down soon and we’ll get more quality time. Hope she’s still trainable by then! 🙂

  19. How funny, I just posted about those cats on your recent post! 🙂 Forgot that this post was here 🙂

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